October 4
Sunday School
Love that Intercedes
Teacher – Kevin Longenecker
Intercede – a go-between, a peacemaker
How did Jonathan and David get to this point of friendship – of loving each other so much that Jonathan would be a go-between for David and Jonathan’s father, Saul?
Jonathan noticed David’s wisdom.
Intercession needs: wisdom, prayer, patience and must understand the need.
Sermon – Merv Groff
A Superior Priesthood
Hebrews 7:1-28
Merv told us about his upcoming kidney transplant – later this month – with the matching donor being his nephew Dan Stauffer.
The doctor said to Merv, “Do you realize how blessed you are to have six people offer to be a donor. Many people don’t have anyone offer to give a kidney.”
[If you want a challenge, read Hebrews 7, and think about how difficult it would be to teach a lesson from this chapter. Our preachers are currently preaching through Hebrews, thus Hebrews 7 became Merv’s responsibility.]
A priest is a word we don’t use in our congregation very often, so it is good to do a study about the responsibility of a priest – especially a high priest.
Hebrews 7 and Melchizedek are a bit difficult to understand.
If you were asked to name the most important people in the Old Testament, you would probably not name Melchizedek.
Melchizedek was a king and a superior high priest, but he was not our savior.
Because of Jesus we no longer sacrifice animals.
Melchizedek life span is not known. All we know is that he is someone who lived on earth. He was a priest who blessed Abraham.

Death put an end to the priesthood of all earthly priests, however, our High Priest Jesus lives and never changes.
We must have a savior.
We need a mediator between us and God – an attorney who pleads our case to God.
Hebrews 7 teaches us that Jesus is superior to any earthly priest – even Melchizedek.