White Oak Church of the Brethren
Sunday Morning, October 27 through Sunday Evening, November 3
Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Theme Verse: 2 Peter 3:18
Since this was a week-long series, I posted a few highlights from each service.
Sunday School – Sunday, October 27 – Teacher: Joe Cassel – Grateful Faith – Luke 7:37-48
We underestimate the power of gratefulness. Ungratefulness is sin – and a bondage.
Unforgiveness turns remembered pain into bondage.
Sunday Morning, October 27 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Introduction to a series on the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:1-17
We are growing up in a culture where the Ten Commandments are being removed from courthouses and public places and many public figures believe that the Ten Commandments are outdated.
67% of Americans do not believe in moral absolutes.
Would you want to have a carpenter build a house for you if he did not follow the principles of one inch and one foot? They are absolutes – the standard to follow.
God gave us the Ten Commandments to show us His standard – so we would know what sin is and what is right and wrong.
However, the law cannot save anyone. The Ten Commandments cannot give peace. Only Jesus can do that. The law was a school master – a reminder that we need a savior.
Jesus’ death on the cross satisfied and fulfilled God’s law.
Have you been saved/redeemed by Jesus or are you trying to keep a list of do’s and don’ts.
Sunday Evening, October 27 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me or make any graven image. Exodus 20:1-6
God is establishing who He is with this first commandment – establishing His authority.
If there is no standard then who decides what is right or wrong.
No moral standard equals chaos.
In verse 2, God is reinforcing that He is the Lord your God. Your is establishing the fact that He wants a relationship with you – a long-term relationship – by saying you shall have no other gods before Him.
Little gods can never help us.
What are “little gods” that can take God’s place?
Recreation, family, career, anything that takes our focus off God. It may be parked in your garage, maybe at a marina or campground or maybe it is in a bank or money fund. Other things that takes God’s place in your life – sports, news, and politics – things that are not wrong but can become more important to you than following God.
Do your interests bring you closer to the Lord or take you away from Him?
Can we tell our family and friends more about sports or the news than we can about the Bible?
Monday Evening, October 28 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shall not take the name of the Lord they God in vain. Exodus 20:7
What is in a name? Why is God sensitive about His name?
Think about these names. What comes to your mind? Saddam Hussain. Adolph Hitler. Mother Theresa, Billy Graham.
Names also have authority.
David Ramsey – financial authority.
David Jeremiah – Biblical authority.
When we say, “Oh, my God!” we limit Him to an exclamation mark.
We also take God’s name in vain when we quote Him, but don’t live for Him.
Value God’s name. His name is holy. Use it carefully and reverently. Represent God’s name clearly.
God’s name is a name we can trust.
Your name represents who you are. God’s name represents who He is.
The problem in using God’s name in vain originates in our heart not in our mouth.
We can take God’s name in vain by our words or by our lifestyle.
Tuesday Evening, October 29 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Honor the Sabbath day. Exodus 20:8-11, Hebrews 10:25
The only commandment not repeated in the New Testament.
In the New Testament – following the resurrection of Jesus – His followers met on the first day of the week. Acts 20:7. Hebrews 10:25. Sunday was a day to assemble with others.
We are expected to work (6 days) and are expected to rest (1 day) each week. It’s Gods pattern.
God’s pattern for the day of rest: Rest. Reflect. Renew. Following this pattern keeps us current with God’s promises and prepares us for the week ahead.
By the time of Jesus’ birth the Jews had added 1,521 rules to their Sabbath. 1,521 rules that were not from God.
A day of rest should be joyous – like a smile, a garden or sunshine. God gave rest for our body’s health.
In the days when mules were used in coal mines, it was discovered that they would become blind if not given a day of rest in the sunlight – one day a week.
Wednesday Evening, October 30 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Honoring Your Parents. Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1-4
We are asked to honor our parents – whether they have been good or bad parents.
Honor does not mean you accept abuse. Authorities may have to be notified, but you must always extend mercy.
Honor your parents teaches your children respect.
Crime increases when parents are disrespected.
Parental honor sets a pattern for respect for other authority relationships in our lives.
Being bitter toward your parents will eventually destroy your life. Your life is at risk if you curse your parents.
Do not let a bad childhood ruin your adult relationships. Make peace with them. Forgive. Move on.
Thursday Evening, October 31 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt not kill. Exodus 20:13, Matthew 5:21-22
Someone is stabbed or shot every 22 minutes in our country.
More children die from violence than by sickness.
God not only hates murder, He hates murderous and angry thoughts.
Jesus compares anger to murder.
Killing is never a means of compassion – in euthanasia or abortion.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
“Any nation who kills their babies is not teaching their people to love.” Mother Theresa
Beware of violent video games. Can you imagine Jesus playing these games? We are fooling ourselves if we think these games will not affect our minds.
The value of life is a central theme to the Gospel.
Friday Evening, November 1– Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:27-28
50% of all men say they have committed adultery.
God is against adultery because it is a destructive sin. It is saying to a spouse that you are not good enough for me.
It is also an attack against our children.
Our spiritual life is compromised when adultery is committed.
Adultery is a heart and mind activity. It can be committed without physical contact. Pornography is adultery of the heart and will destroy your witness.
Great empires have fallen when sexuality was uncontrolled and sex sins were ignored.
Adultery is a sin against Jesus.
Imagine how we would feel if Jesus had been unfaithful to us the “church”.
Saturday Evening, November 2– Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt not steal. Exodus 20:15, Ephesians 4:28
13 billion dollars’ worth of goods are stolen in the USA each year through shoplifting.
95% of employees steal from their employees: office supplies, falsifying time in and time out, cooperate intelligence, wasting time at work.
Employers can also steal from their employees by treating them badly or underpaying them.
Other ways people steal without taking something from another person. Cheating on taxes. Borrowing things and not returning them. Keeping too much change from a store clerk. Not keeping promises. Not repaying loans.
We steal from God in our tithes and offerings and using what is His for our own purpose.
Sunday Morning, November 3– Sunday School Teacher: Ryan Bruckhart.
Faith that is Tested. 2 Corinthians 13:1-11
How differently do we treat our sin – opposed to another person’s sin?
How do we deal with gossip or react with information that does not sound right?
Am I being filled by God, His Holy Spirit and His power, or am I being drained by sin, gossip and ungodly things.
Sunday Morning, November 3 – Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt not bear false witness. Exodus 20:16, 1 John 2:4
One Sunday morning a preacher gave his congregation an assignment for the following week. Read Mark 17. The next week he asked them how many people read Mark 17 this week. Half the congregation raised their hands. The problem? There is no Mark 17.
A lie has no legs because it will soon need other lies to support it.
White lies soon become colorblind and other lies will be needed.
Beware of gossip and gossip magazines. Gossip vandalizes another person’s character.
Lies and gossip are poison.
Forms of lying: Slander and spreading rumors (true or not), Exaggeration – when we stretch the truth. Silence – when we know the truth.
Think before you speak.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
The world can be a cruel place. Be part of the solution and not a part of the problem.
We can trust God’s Word. Make sure people can trust your word.
Sunday Evening, November 3– Evangelist: Dale Bollinger
Thou shalt not covet. Exodus 20:17, 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Coveting is an attitude and often the reason we break some of the other commandments.
Covet: a great desire to have what belongs to another. Ungoverned desire. Begrudging another person his possession.
Coveting shows that our life has an improper focus.
Coveting will keep you from fully loving God.
Love the Lord with your entire heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
Our thoughts do not stay in our heads – they can eventually betray us.
How can we protect ourselves from being covetous? Learn to be content. Be grateful for what you have and understand that getting more will not make you happier.
Keep a proper perspective on things. We will eventually leave everything behind. Why get caught up in things that we cannot take with us.
Beware of going after things instead of going after God.