Sunday, July 28
Sunday school ~ Subject: Spiritual Discernment Teacher: John Diffenderfer
Jesus tells us to be discerning, but not judgmental.
Why was that important to Jesus as he trained his disciples? Because Jesus cares about our heart and our attitudes.
Church ~ Scripture: John 3:14-36. Preacher: David Wenger
In John 3 Jesus helps us understand salvation.
Three Sermon Points: Look to Jesus. Believe in Jesus. Receive Eternal Life.
Look to Jesus
None of us can rescue ourselves from eternal death.
Looking to Jesus changes our view on all kinds of things that may catch our attention: including material things that are good, but distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Believe in Jesus
John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Believe is a strong word. It will take you to the next level of faith and commitment. Believe is a continuous action.
No matter how great our faith, we never get to a point of self-sufficiency, because we need renewed strength from God each day.
Unbelief leads toward darkness. Belief leads toward light.
Receive Eternal Life
We have only two options. Believe in Jesus. Do not believe in Jesus. Life or death. Live or perish.
To perish – we do nothing.
To live – we believe in Jesus and keep on believing.
To perish is a death that will never end. To live in Jesus is a life that will never end.
John 3:16 are some of the sweetest words ever spoken by Jesus.