June 30

Sunday school – Teacher Kevin Longenecker – The Beatitudes
Does my attitude cause bad attitudes in others?
We try so hard to be in control, but how does God’s way fit into us wanting to be in control.
The rewards of a good attitude are far better than the rewards of a bad attitude.
Morning Worship – Minister Carl Groff – Scripture – John 1:29-51
The greatest subject in these verses: Jesus is the Lamb of God.
Imagine the omnipotent Son of God saying to you, “Come and see.” Anyone – rich or poor, young or old, Jew or Gentile, can “look” to Jesus.
John the Baptist used his voice to lift up Jesus. Are you using your voice to lift up Jesus?
Evening Worship at Kreider Church (Our 1859 meeting house.) We worship here several times a year – during the summer.
Minister – Marvin Shenk – Bracing for Life’s Battle
We cannot be careless with our faith.
The Christian life can never stand still – or you will be moving backwards.
Life is not a playground. Battles will come – shattered dreams, illness, death, conflicts, pain.
Do we win or do the battles win?
Be prepared. Anchor in God.
Know that God seeks the best for your soul and spiritual life.
He looks back and forth on the whole earth to seek who He can bless with strength.