Friday, June 14

This is one of my favorite places to take TFC’s mobile chapel. Maybe it’s because we are there for two days, so there is plenty of time to see the trucks and meet lots of people.

Our view from the chapel door.

This year we had Jared and Jesse along, because their parents are in Europe.

They enjoyed playing games, walking around and looking at the trucks, and playing on their cell phones.

Each year I give myself a photo project of finding trucks of a certain year. Since the boys were along, I challenged them to find trucks that were built during the years their parents were born. 1970 is Kristen’s year.

Another 1970

Next we walked toward vendor field where there were lots and lots of things for sale – mostly things that were truck related.

I especially looked for our neighbors Tom and Fara – and found them. When I walk “around the block”, I go by their house. We had fun talking to them and getting caught up on each other’s lives. They were pleased to meet Jared and Jesse, because they are also neighbors.

On the way back to the chapel we found their dad’s birth year.

Then another one of their mom’s birth year.

Another 1970

I wanted them to see and sit in a really old vehicle. This one was made the year my mom was born.

If they had been boys in 1922, this would have been one of the newest vehicles available.

The men had been busy at the chapel while we were gone. This is Bob Russell (center) Associate Chaplain at Elkton, Maryland.

Cerwin was talking to a couple who were interested in the chapel ministry.

This family group stopped to say hi. The children enjoyed the Kirkland fruity gummies that I keep on the chapel. We and Don Hollinger (with camera) know the children’s great-grandparents.

These visitors made up a group of old trucking friends – Lucy and Barry Grim in the cart, Cerwin, Dick Weaver and Don Hollinger. Dick and Don were part of the original guys who helped form the Lancaster Chapter of TFC and invited Cerwin to participate in the early ’70s.

The Antique Truck Club of America hosts a delicious “family reunion” picnic for more than 500 people.
ATCA is an antique truck club that was founded in 1971. The club is based out of Boyertown PA and is dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and operation of all types of antique trucks.

Cerwin’s plate

My plate. You can tell that our food tastes are a bit different.

On the way back to the chapel we met this couple arriving in their neat truck.
We had a busy evening and didn’t get to bed until after 10 pm. The boys slept on air mattresses in the chapel area and Cerwin and I slept on the sofa bed in the living quarters.