Pretty roses on the patio

The yucca is growing again this year – to the left of the ivy covered tree.

There will be lots of flowers in a few days.

Below it and throughout the memory garden, there are many lush, green ferns.

The yarrow is abundant with…

…bright yellow flowers.

We thought we lost our crepe myrtle bush because the branches were dead, with no sign of life, but before long it began growing from the base of the plant (reddish leaves). We cut off the dead branches and will wait and see if it blooms later this summer.

The Shasta daisies look like they will soon be popping.

The daylilies are also preparing to bloom.

Our brand new Cleveland pear tree is looking healthy.

Since I was close to the end of our driveway, I decided to cross the road and see what the neighbors have planted in their field.

I am not sure what this is, but maybe pepper plants.

This field was recently planted. We think maybe some kind of bean.

When I turned around – toward our house – the dead branches reminded me that we have several ash trees that are waiting for the tree surgeon. Dead trees in our yard and woods make me sad.

On a brighter note, the honeysuckle was looking and smelling good on the bank on the north side of our yard.

I wish the honeysuckle could be scratch-and-sniff pictures so you could smell them too.
So so very beautiful, and great photo’s too. Thank you, I so love to see all this Beauty.
Thank you. I love seeing the beauty around your house as well.
“Ain’t spring grand?” I love your photos. Are your ferns native? Or did you plant them? Your growing season is slightly different from ours. Some of the things grown down here are finished blooming before others that in your area bloom at the same time. It’s always interesting. Our day lilies started blooming last week, but the honeysuckle finished several weeks ago. (I LOVE honeysuckle. Would love to have some on our property. My grand-niece likes to pick bunches of them, then drip the honey into a spoon until she has enough to sip!)
Yes, native to our area, but not native to our woodlot. I planted a few many years ago. We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. I am putting your tickets in today’s mail.
Getting excited! We’re bringing two gift baskets and a couple Winross trucks for the auction.
Oh, thanks for that – the gift baskets and Winross.