February 17
Sunday School – Kerwin Miller, Teacher
Do we give up on people – stop praying when we don’t see any change in their life? Do we really believe that Jesus has power to heal bodies and forgive sins – that God can change lives?
Church – Jon Cassel, Preacher
2 Timothy 1:1-18 (With our Winter Bible Study Series being complete, we are back to the normal routine of our preachers teaching through a chosen book of the Bible.)
2 Timothy is Paul’s last will and testament. Do you think about your will and testament and what you are leaving to others – not earthly things, but spiritual things?
As you hold your Bible open to 2 Timothy 1, remember that Paul wrote this from prison. Probably not a nice prison, but a dark dungeon. He was there because he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
Just as with Paul, God’s power within us can withstand major things – major setbacks – major persecution.
A call to follow Christ – and maybe suffer for Christ – is an amazing calling.
Are you willing to stand apart from the world in how you live your life for Christ and follow Him – at school or at work?
Beware of a prosperity-type gospel where preachers and teachers tell us that God removes all difficulties when we follow Christ. The apostle Paul is a prime example of one who faced extreme persecution because of his faith in Christ.
Another example is Jim Elliot who said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” (missionary who was murdered for his faith in Christ while serving God in Ecuador)
Persecution is real today. Pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.
Pray that:
God will give them the right words to say to their persecutors.
God will give them peace.
They will draw strength from a Power much larger than themselves.