Month: February 2017
Snow Geese
Monday, February 6 (day three of my week of birthday events and celebrations) We went to the post office in Lititz early Monday morning – with a bulk mailing for TFC – because our excursion of the day was The Great American Outdoor Show at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. After leaving the post office we saw a […]
Sunday, February 5
Day two of my week-long birthday celebration. I love to celebrate what God has done in my life and the people and beauty He has given me – and continues to give. I challenge myself to celebrate life all 360 days in a year, but I up that celebration to a higher level during my birthday week. […]
Hershey Gardens ~ Orchid Show Part 2
Saturday, February 4 A section of orchids. There were white orchids… …black ones – and many colors in between. Butterflies and orchids – a beautiful respite in the middle of winter. The butterfly house and orchid display – on top of the hill – were quite busy while Hershey Park rides below us were silent on this mid-winter day.
Hershey Gardens ~ Orchid Show Part 1
Saturday, February 4 The ceiling in the entrance area The 2017 Orchid Show was in the Horticultural Wing – from February 3-5. The show is hosted by Susquehanna Orchid Society where the orchids are brought in to Hershey Gardens for the three day show. The advertisement said, “See 1,000 orchids.” The building was full of people […]
Butterfly Atrium at Hershey Gardens
Saturday, February 4 Visiting Hershey Gardens was the beginning of my birthday week – a gift from Mark and Diane. We chose to see the butterflies first. I love butterfly houses – especially in winter. It was so warm and humid that I had to keep defogging my camera. Mushrooms This was a huge butterfly […]
My First Home
Saturday, February 4 Now that I am in my 70s, I spend and entire week (or more) celebrating my birthday. This year we began on Saturday by going to Hershey Gardens to see the Butterfly House and orchid display. Along the way I asked Cerwin if we could look for the farm where my Dad […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Josh
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
Walking in the Rain
When I saw these two walking around our two-mile block this morning, I thought, “Now that is dedication to walking.”
Thursday Evening, February 2 Because he won the spelling bee, Jere and Kristen told Jared to choose a restaurant for the celebration. He chose Olive Garden Cerwin took this picture, then a waitress offered to take one with him in it. What fun to celebrate with this gang. My yummy fettuccini – my favorite dish at Olive Garden. […]
I Love Our Country Life
The beautiful sunrises through our trees. If I want I can walk beyond the trees to get a picture – even in my housecoat – and nobody is around to see me. I love the colors of sunrises. Later in the day, while looking out our kitchen window – and still being surprised by our […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Donovan
We love you, Grandpa & Grandma High
Spelling Bee
Kristen invited me to middle school at 8:30 am on Thursday to watch Jared in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade spelling bee. Jared is in 6th grade. First thing I had to do was stop by the office for a visitor pass. The judges, officials, and teachers were checking to see if each student had arrived. […]
A Year of Blessing
Tuesday, January 31 Three young couples from our church felt led to challenge the people of our congregation – White Oak Church of the Brethren – to spend 2017 in blessing our preachers. Cerwin and I knew immediately that we wanted to participate by choosing a specific week to pray for each of our nine preachers and their wife […]
Another Tree Down and Snow
Monday, January 30 It makes me sad that we have to take down our pretty Ash tree (right), but it barely had leaves last summer, and Amos said there was nothing he could do for it. So he came on Monday morning to put it out of it’s misery. First he took down the small […]
Breakfast with My Sister
Monday, January 30 My sister usually takes me to Brickerville House Restaurant for breakfast sometime near my birthday. It was a bit early this year because she is very busy next week. It is one of the closest restaurants to our house – and Nancy’s. I enjoy going here because of the delicious food and interesting history. […]