Month: January 2016
Day 1 in Maine – Supper at Sea Dog
Monday, January 4 Mark and Diane checking the menu. After work, we took everyone to the Sea Dog for supper. The girls – Hannah, Elizabeth, and Lydia – were going to be a bit late because Hannah and Lydia had some issues in the dairy barn where they work, so we ordered two appetizers: Soft […]
Mother High
We were surprised when a nurse came to Mother’s room – about 2 PM – yesterday afternoon and told us that she was being discharged! They concluded that the gallstone moved and the infection to her liver and kidneys was now clear. She got to Landis Homes about 5:30 PM. Thank you for praying. At 98+, […]
Update on Mother High
The hospital staff withheld her breakfast just in case they had to do the scope procedure. However, her blood work and counts are looking good, so they brought her food. Cerwin and I will be spending the afternoon with her, so I will update you later today or tonight when we have new information. […]
Our First Day in Maine
Monday, January 4 It was a cold day in Maine, so I enjoyed the outside view from inside. This is the view of their deck from their living room. They recently bought a house, so it was fun seeing new landscape and enjoying their warm, cozy house. I love how the sun shines in their […]
Update on Mother High
At this point the scope procedure is off for today, because she is feeling well and her stomach is no longer tender. The doctor thinks the stone moved. I told Mother, ‘It wouldn’t be the first time God moved a stone.’ She liked that. Her medical team wants to evaluate her for another day or […]
Driving to Maine
Sunday, January 3 Our annual New Year’s trip to Maine – to visit with Mark and Diane’s family – was delightfully uneventful, consequently I read and didn’t take many pictures. This was the 7:00 AM sunrise – about two hours into our trip. We were fascinated by construction on the new Tappan Zee Bridge – over […]
Update on Cerwin’s Mother:
We (Cerwin’s siblings) have peace about giving the doctor permission to do an ECRP, a technique that combines the use of endoscopy and fluoroscopy to diagnose and treat certain problems of the biliary or pancreatic ductal systems. Because she takes a blood thinner, the procedure cannot be done today. Though there are risks with this […]
Hershey Christmas
Saturday Evening, January 2 Our great-nephew Tavian Our great-niece Elyse Dot arranging some of the food. My brother Clair (holding his grandson, Tavian), his wife Kate, and their son-in-law Rob watching the children playing. Elliot It appears that something was funny. Supper is served! These next few pictures are fun. Our sister-in-law Brenda grabbed my […]
Update on Mother High
It seems that some of her problems are because her blood pressure has been very low for a long time – and Landis Homes has been dealing with that with medication. They found Aortic Stenosis and a form of hepatitis. Her liver was enflamed causing a “hit” on her kidneys. Some things can be adjusted […]
Please Pray
No blog entry tonight. Cerwin’s 98-year-old mother was taken to the ER this afternoon because she wasn’t feeling well and was experiencing a tight chest. We just got home after several hours in the hospital. She is still in the ER, and is fairly comfortable. The doctors want her moved to the Intermediate Intensive Care […]
Cabela’s in Christiana Mall, Newark, Delaware
Thursday, December 31, 2015 This trip was a Christmas gift to us from 2014 – from Roy and Deb. Their goal was to take us to the Delaware Cabela’s sometime during 2015 – and they did – on the very last day. While Cerwin and I waited at a red light – on the way […]
Gingerbread Houses ~ Made in Our House
Tuesday Evening, December 29 Our granddaughter Jana (in yellow) asked if she and some friends could made gingerbread houses in our garage after Christmas. That sounded like a fun idea, so we said, yes. They came shortly after 6 PM and unloaded all their goodies on our tables. Renee and Caleb worked on theirs as […]
Two Trees Down
Monday, December 28 This tree has been a concern to us for the past few years. We always told people not to park close to it – especially if it was windy, because dead branches came crashing down without warning. As I watched Amos take this tree down – piece by piece – I understood […]
Christmas Supper With Cerwin’s Family
Sunday Evening, December 27 This meal included those who could attend of Cerwin’s siblings, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Do you notice Nathan trying to get attention in the background? Now you can see him! Every married couple brought a hot and cold dish. We had the buffet line in the kitchen to make room for […]
Our Family Christmas
Saturday Evening, December 26 We do not do a lot of decorating for Christmas, but do try to make the garage area a bit festive. Jere and Kristen made the ham in their new smoker. It was delicious. Deb and Chris discussing the table setting. Our children and grandchildren make it easy for us. They […]
Christmas Day at Landis Homes
Friday, December 25 This was our group of nine family members who were free to have Christmas lunch in Landis Homes Azalea Room with Cerwin’s mother. Clockwise: Cerwin, my empty chair, Juanita, Deb, Roy, Mother, Velda, Mel, Uncle John, Josiah. From the other end of the table. Josiah and Uncle John enjoying conversation. Those who read […]
Christmas Eve
Thursday Evening, December 24 Jere and Kristen invited us to join them and Roy and Deb in their Christmas Eve tradition of going to see a family movie at Penn Cinema and supper at their house. Ian, Josh, Jared, Jana, Jesse, Allie It was almost like having a private viewing, as it was our group and maybe six […]