Morning Rain ~ Afternoon Fog ~ Evening Sunset
Wednesday, February 3 I love a pretty day.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
Wednesday, February 3 I love a pretty day.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 It was an icy, foggy afternoon – when we left the house to visit Cerwin’s mother. I thought you may enjoy traveling with us. Fog makes everything look so different. We don’t often see a big rig in our local village. Flags hung limp as there was not even a small breeze. I […]
Wednesday, October 8 & Thursday, October 9 We woke up to a beautiful sunrise on Wednesday, October 8. Can you tell that I am back to regular posting – and catching up with October photos? I love morning fog. Later in the day we enjoyed seeing a beautiful blue sky with a few clouds sprinkled […]
The last few days of September. A foggy, fall morning. Cerwin ordered a load of topsoil to fill in a low area in our yard. Then he borrowed my brothers’ skid loader to level it. ~~~ It was not enough, so he ordered a partial load the next day. Then it rained, then he was […]
Psalm 143:8 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Monday, August 25 When I looked outside at the beautiful morning, I had to get my camera. I love a foggy morning. I grabbed my camera again in the afternoon when I noticed a few butterflies. The pretty fritillary was back. I love a foggy-butterfly-kind-of-day.
I am going to post more pictures than usual tonight to bring you up to date in our lives. The chapel for Pass Lake, Ontario, is coming along nicely ~ thanks to a great crew of workers. The paneling is finished. Monday and Tuesday: At our house – the Daryl Bollinger Company did a great […]
I began working on bulk mailings in 1977. The Northeast Region was new then, and Director Melvin Mast and his wife, Joyce, were preparing to mail newsletters by using a bulk permit. My first job in their office was to organize addresses – on typed labels – in alphabetical order. On my first day in the office, the addresses were on […]
When I walked outside this morning, this scene took me back to my early teen years when I enjoyed reading Harold Bell Wright books. I loved how he described the light coming through the trees in the Ozarks. He described it so well that I could almost see it and feel it. After school […]
I am glad that we live in the country so nobody can see me walking around our yard in the early morning – in my house coat – taking pictures. The moon was still bright when I went outside. The grass was damp and cool to my bare feet and the air was heavy with […]
These words are all synonyms of the word miscellaneous – which is a perfect description for this entry of recent happenings in our lives. I received this photo of our granddaughter Lydia (from Maine) and the taggy blanket she made for a little boy – the son of a secretary at VoTech where she attends. I never heard of a taggy blanket, […]