Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Jared
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
We love you, Daddy & Mother
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre ~ Friday Evening, April 25 Dinner and the play “Seven Brides For Seven Brothers” was our gift to any of our children and grandchildren who wanted to go along to celebrate their 2014 birthday. It was also our family celebration for Cerwin’s birthday. Jesse and Jared entertained themselves with the overhead mirrors while we […]
Tuesday, April 22 Cerwin was out of the house early, because Jere came to take him out for breakfast and then to Cabela’s. I wasn’t alert enough to think of taking a picture of them. His birthday gift to himself was new shoes and a field camera. Since we were having a family celebration later in the week, I […]
Saturday Evening, April 19 As we ate our meal, Roy said, “I think I just found a new favorite restaurant.” I ordered Quinoa Salad – mostly because I never heard of quinoa and wanted to see what it was. I learned it was the grain on top of the salad. From the Internet: Quinoa, pronounced “keen-wah,” a protein-packed […]
This was a special celebration ~ a gift from Roy and Deb for Cerwin’s birthday. Saturday, Evening, April 19. I have been looking forward to going back to this restaurant ever since my sister took me here for a birthday breakfast in February. My 70th Birthday Marathon ~ Breakfast With My Sister When Deb and Roy read […]
I Love You!
Sunday, March 30 After lunch ~ while Jere and Kristen were putting food and dishes away ~ Jared played a few songs and asked Grandpa to sing with him. In this photo they are singing “Do Lord.” http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=8&c2=6036211&c3=11003&c4=35171&c5=&c6=&c15=&cv=2.0&cj=1′ /&I’ve got a home in glory land that out-shines the sun. I’ve got a home in glory […]
We were delighted to be invited to Jana’s 15th birthday lunch after church on Sunday, March 30. I took a new picture for my refrigerator, but haven’t decided which one I like best. In the living room, Josh was trying to help his brothers fix an electronic problem. Deb is pleased with a new blanket […]
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
I think it was at the baby shower/birthday party the day before that we learned my niece Karen was baking donuts on Monday, February 17. She told us to stop in for some on the way home from our tea. (I expect her mom and sisters were also involved in the baking. They usually are.) […]
Monday, February 17 After each of us chose a flavor of tea, we were served delicious blueberry scones and lemon curd. Then we each chose either squash or broccoli and cheese soup to go with our delightful sandwich and dessert delicacies. I could eat like this every day. Tiny ham spread, BLT, and cucumber sandwiches Crème brulee […]
My last clue on Sunday night said: Final Clue: A Tea Affair – 12 noon on Monday, February 17, 2014. Come and see who else may be there with you… We arrived just before noon. The room is beautifully decorated. The flowers made us feel like springtime – which was wonderful on this cold wintry […]
I never had – and will probably never have another birthday like this one! By Sunday evening, February 16, I had sixty cards and e-cards, plus about twice that many wishes on my blog and Facebook. Thank You! I feel honored and blessed by your love. After everyone left the drop-in party I began finding envelopes in interesting places around the […]
Sunday, February 16 It is not over yet ~ the reason I called this a marathon. A birthday rose from Hezekiah. He gave it to me when we got home from the restaurant on Saturday evening. Lydia and her friend Mary Ellen. There was a lot of noise and fun and busyness when Cerwin, Diane, […]
Saturday, February 15 I told Cerwin that the only thing I wanted for my birthday was dinner with our children. He told me that it did not suit the children on my birthday, so it was planned for a week later. That was certainly fine with me. I did not know where we were going […]
Wednesday, February 12 Nancy wanted to find a special spot for my birthday breakfast this year ~ and she surely did. The Inn is old, delightful, and elegant. We were given a few choices of table locations – and because it was a cold morning, chose the fireplace. The hostess was preparing for a large group for […]
Saturday, February 8 My first gift of the day was the delivery of this beautiful bouquet of flowers from Clair (my brother) and Kate. They were beautiful – and stayed that way until my “real” birthday celebration the following weekend. Thank you! Thank you! Our grandson Josiah stopped in to give me a birthday hug, and […]
It began on February 7 and lasted until February 18. Now that I am into the last day of this marathon, I feel a bit like it has been a biblical jubilee and as of today I am in need of a biblical fast. I will begin that tomorrow.
My birthday celebration began at Jere and Kristen’s […]
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma High
Seriously – I had a wonderful day full of relaxation and good wishes. Last night we were at Jere and Kristen’s for supper – as it is also Josh’s 19th birthday. We just got home from Dienner’s Restaurant where Roy and Deb treated us to supper. There will be more celebrations next week, so I […]
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
We Love You! Daddy & Mother
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma High
Overlook Skating Rink is not far from Chuck-E-Cheeses, so we had an hour to fill with another activity until the rink opened. First we spent some time at one of the playgrounds. Of course Jared tried to climb outside the safety fence. I was impressed that there was the story of Noah’s Ark […]
We Love You! Daddy & Mother