Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Jenna
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
We Love You! Grandpa & Grandma
Saturday Afternoon, March 15 The four little girls ~ Elyse (on Becca’s lap), Lucy, Molly, and Bella were quite interested in the gifts. Like I said yesterday, I think Elyse thought this was her party. She loved helping Becca open the gifts. A gift from a grandma who I understand is no longer […]
Saturday Afternoon, March 15 While people arrived and lunch was being prepared I took more pictures. Notice the pretty, cloth napkins. Visiting before lunch. By 12:30, lunch was prepared and looking delicious. Becca’s parents (Jeff and Eunice), Becca and Kevin, and Kevin’s mom (Anne) welcomed everyone and asked Cerwin to pray before the meal. Waiting to go […]
Cerwin and I were honored to be invited to this celebration ~ the first baby for our nephew and his wife.Becca, her mom, sister, and friends did a great job of making it a delightful afternoon. Becca (back to camera) and her mom attending to some lunch details. While the ladies were getting things ready, Kevin entertained his niece […]
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
After the cake break we were each given a small container of Play Dough and asked to design a baby. After watching a few people, I decided that I should photograph others instead of spending much time making a Play Dough Baby – because my sculpting skills are very limited. Enjoy. I like the simplicity of this one. She did this […]