Category: Uncategorized
Memory Flowers
Inge, these pictures are especially for you. Our backyard border is a burial place for a few of Inge’s precious cats. In their memory she has planted spring flowers. This photo was taken on March 13 when Timothy and Barnabas’ daffodils were just beginning to open. This is what they look like today – 12 […]
Bison in the Sunset
~~~ Wednesday Evening, March 19 ~~~ Imagine my delight as we turned a corner on a road just before arriving home and saw this. The timing was perfect to capture our neighbor’s bison with the sunset in the background. It was a scene that I was so thankful to observe. We just stayed and watched […]
Olive Garden Lunch with Friends
~~~ Tuesday, March 18 ~~~ Marcy (left), Emma (Cookie to us) and I have been friends for many years and have rarely missed a year of celebrating our February birthdays. However, we don’t always celebrate in February. Our sweet waitress agreed to take our picture. Marcy and I became friends in high school and Cookie […]
A Teaser from My Secret Sister
I received this in our church mailbox last Sunday – March 16 I look forward to reading the Magnolia magazine and am saving it for our Bob Neff tour in early April as we will have several hours on a motorcoach as we drive to our destination. The inside note of the card gave me […]
Crocus – My Favorite Spring Flowers
~~~ Thursday, March 13 ~~~ These are my favorite because they were a gift from my parents for our 10th wedding anniversary in September 1973. They always bloom about the time of Mother’s death – March 16, 1974. I especially enjoy finding some in the woodsy area of our property – where weeds are tossed. […]
Penryn Mud Sale
I will start this post with the printed description of what a mud sale involves as many of you may think, “What is that?” You may have something similar in your area under another name. They are named Mud Sales in our area because of the condition of the thawing ground. Mud Sales are a […]
Weeping Pussy Willow Tree
~~~ Thursday, March 13 ~~~ I am so incredibly happy to see our Weeping Pussy Willow Tree blooming with lots of pussy willows (catkins). Not only is it full of catkins, but there are also quite a few brand-new shoots. We bought it about one year ago in memory of our granddaughter Hannah who died […]
Potter’s House Banquet
~~~ Thursday Evening, March 13 ~~~ We are always pleased when it suits us to go to this banquet. We love hearing the updates on what is happening at The Potter’s House and The Potter’s House of Ruth. The Potter’s House is a safe place for men and women to recover from addiction, to experience […]
Fire in the East Sunrise and Something to Ponder
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Working at Blessings of Hope
~~~ Wednesday, March 12 ~~~ This week we started with putting edible sunflower seeds into small bags, then when that was done we did the same thing with pecans (above photo of Anthony and me). Our third job was removing the outer leaves of cabbage. When the outer leaves had been removed, the heads were […]
New Mailbox
~~~ Tuesday, March 11 ~~~ Cerwin decided that our old, rather beat up mailbox needed replaced. The biggest problem was that the lid often came open, especially on a windy day. He made sure everything lined up before putting the new box on the post. Finished!
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Hezekiah We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Lainey We love you! Great Grandpa and Great Grandma High
Magnificent Sunset
~~~ Saturday, March 8 ~~~ Sunsets are an amazing part of a day.
Waxing Gibbous Moon and Something to Ponder
~~~ Saturday, March 8 ~~~ ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Birthday Party for Donovan and Abby
~~~ Thursday, March 6 ~~~ Because the garage was set up as a dining room for Guess Who’s Coming to Diner a few days earlier, we invited the Sensenig’s and Zuck’s to come for their 2025 birthday meal from Two Cousin’s Restaurant. Thursday was the evening that suited both families. The families of two of […]