Thursday, March 13

These are my favorite because they were a gift from my parents for our 10th wedding anniversary in September 1973.

They always bloom about the time of Mother’s death – March 16, 1974.

I especially enjoy finding some in the woodsy area of our property – where weeds are tossed.

I love the memory of this gift. When Mom handed me the small brown bag that held 10 crocus bulbs, she said, “These aren’t very pretty right now, but they will be in spring.”
They were, and they still are pretty – 52 years later.
Mine, too… I will never forget my first sight of them when I moved to the US, in Ohio – still a couple of inches of snow on the ground and those amazing, beautiful flowers breaking through! Inge
They’re beautiful — and how wonderful that they have continued to bloom for so many years!