Penryn Mud Sale

I will start this post with the printed description of what a mud sale involves as many of you may think, “What is that?”

You may have something similar in your area under another name.

They are named Mud Sales in our area because of the condition of the thawing ground. Mud Sales are a Lancaster County auction tradition that raise funds for volunteer fire companies and Amish schools.  

The Penryn Mud Sale is located only one mile and six tenth from our house. This auction raises funds for the Penryn Fire Company and Lime Rock (Amish) School. It was a cold windy day.

We usually only go on Friday, because there are so many people there on Saturday, and we are no longer acquiring items from auctions but go for the food. 🙂

A drive-through line is available for the chicken barbecue meal. But we go inside where there is a larger variety of food.

Our favorite thing to buy is these Amish-made glazed and filled donuts. We bought two filled powdered donuts and one glazed. Oh, my they are delicious! I am glad they aren’t available on a more regular basis, or I would have to go on a strict diet and walking program. 🙂

Next to that stand several Amish women were making subs. At the other end of the hall I bought a barbecue chicken meal: Chicken leg and thigh, baked potato, coleslaw, woopie pie and drink. (Cerwin doesn’t like to take chicken off the bone, so he bought chicken corn soup.

As we drove the short distance to the fire hall, I noticed this John Deer tractor at the end of Kevin and Amy’s lane (she is my niece) and asked Cerwin to go slow on the way home to see why it was there. It was marked FREE. We noticed Kevin cleaning some mud from the road (result of farm equipment) and asked about it. He said they bought it at a school sale several years ago and never used it.

We brought it home for our toy box, thinking our great grandsons will like playing with it. They like equipment with lifts and scoops. Thus, we got a good deal without going to the auction. 🙂 A few days later we were in a store that sold this exact tractor for $50.00.