Friday evening, February 14
Akron Lions Lodge, Akron, PA – 5:00 pm

Aleah’s corner

Aleah – the star of the evening

Special prayer for Aleah by her dad Zach. If you notice the interesting look on Gloria’s face, I happened to capture this photo as Zach’s voice broke and there was a pause before he could continue praying.

Time to eat.

Family members brought soup and some of the other food. The fourth crockpot was filled with chicken nuggets.

There were delicious bread chunks and fresh fruit.

It was fun to be with Jeff and Chris’ family (Gloria’s parents and siblings) and the Sylvester family (Zach’s parents, grandparents, and siblings).

Dessert included cookies and cake

After the meal it was time for Aleah and her parents to open presents.

The children helped carry presents to the birthday corner. Jeff and Chris have nine young grandchildren, so it was difficult for the other eight to watch the opening of presents.

Somehow Aleah’s cousin Emmy worked her way into the birthday present corner and helped open a few.

Harper, Waylon, Drake, and Jade watched from a distance. Bennett was not in a mood to have his photo taken.

Pop Pop Jeff makes sure each of their grandchildren gets a John Deer tractor on their first birthday.

Aleah wasn’t quite sure what was going on when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her, then clapped and cheered.

A kiss from dad and mom

Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and savor the taste.

Apparently, someone gave her cousins permission for a taste test. Emmy, Waylon, Harper, Drake, and Jade.

Harper, Waylon, and Emmy

The guest’s birthday cake was red velvet. Yum!

About this point some of our great grandchildren wanted to take pictures with my camera. I told someone that I will probably have 300 pictures from this party. There were 298! I am not sure who took this one. Maybe Emmy. I reduced the photo number to 46 for this post.
Most of the great grandchildren’s photos included the ceiling, floor, were blurred, or were only partial body shots, but they sure had fun. I always put the strap around their neck, helped hold the camera, and stayed nearby. It was rather difficult for the little ones to coordinate looking through the lens and finding the button to take the picture.

I think Bennett took this one of his brother Waylon on my lap.

A photo by Jade

This photo may have been by Waylon or Bennett. Their mom Diana with little sister Sierra.

I may have taken this one, or maybe it was Jade. Cousins Emmy and Waylon.

Bennett wanted me to take a picture of him. Every little boy has to see what a photo of him looks like when he sticks out his tongue.

Lainy was having the time of her life, walking around pushing chairs and removing presents from the large bags at the end of the party. Her first birthday will be coming up in a month. I think she has already been walking for a month.
If you wonder why I don’t have any pictures of Sylvester grandchildren, I think Aleah is their first – at least there weren’t any other children except ours, plus a couple of babies who belonged to friends of Zach and Gloria.
We love the opportunity to celebrate the birthdays of our great grandchildren.
Such fun! I am such a sucker, I would have given each one of this adorable children a gift!! They look so sad..LOL. Have a blessed week.
I felt bad for them too, but I guess life is like that, we don’t always get what we want.