After picking up the milk samples for Lancaster DHIA for testing, Cerwin stopped at the grocery store and bought this beautiful bouquet for me.

I wasn’t home at the time, because Diane, Anthony, and I volunteered at Blessings of Hope – Leola Warehouse. This morning we packaged raw bacon. Taking it from 30 lb. bags and placing it in much smaller bags. Hundreds of pounds are donated to Blessings of Hope each Thursday by John F. Martin Meats.
Anthony really liked this job. Most of what we did was maple bacon. I can still smell it on my hands. The warehouse was filled with the delightful scent of bacon and maple. Toward the end of our shift, we changed to pepper bacon.

After that we used our vouchers to shop at the Blessings of Hope store in Lancaster. I found some great apple fritters and pies for Cerwin for his Valentine’s gifts. I found lots of other things as well today. The store was full of people and a great variety of things to buy. You never know what you will find.
Anthony chose Burger King for lunch.