Thursday, February 6

Enjoy the ice pictures that I took from inside our windows where it was warm. The red is our car in the background.
It is just starting to snow again as I enter this post – Tuesday evening, February 11.

The patio was a sheet of ice early in the morning.

The landscape as we faced south.

The stone frog looked like it should be shivering.

The icicles got longer as the morning progressed.

Later, there seemed to be a mix of snow in the sleet.

I always marvel that tiny birds can endure very cold weather.

Our new Weeping Pussy Willow Tree is still looking healthy despite the cold and ice.

Our old patio Dogwood tree has weathered thirty-four winters.

By late afternoon it appeared that we had a bit of snow.
Brrrrr! How pretty iit is,. but how cold!
It is cold, but we are enjoying our winter.
Doris, you and Cerwin live in an ideal spot. I look every morning for any new photos of the roads and fields and go to your past blogs like “my favorite road” over and over. You and Cerwin are a blessing to so many people. I am grateful to the Lord Jesus for that. Ed C
Thanks so much. I appreciate your encouragement.