Play Days with Great Grandpa and Grandma

The early part of my birthday week has been filled with great grandchildren – which fills my heart.

First, Nate and Abby’s girls were here for the day on Monday while their mom caught up on some rest and work at home. I forgot to take pictures, so will use these from several weeks ago. Anthony was away for the day helping his dad.

L to R: Jasmine, Natalie, Renee. They enjoyed playing with toys they hadn’t seen for a month or so and watching Paw Patrol. It is always fun watching the things they assemble with the magnet tiles and tinkertoy-like items. Renee doesn’t assemble very much yet but investigates almost everything in the house. At one point I discovered her standing on the toilet bowl seat, trying to remove the small plastic cups from a shelf above her reach. After that I locked the bathroom door so she wouldn’t break an arm or leg. 🙂 She is not quite two and is already doing well at telling us when she has to go to the bathroom. I guess she has been observing her older sisters.

Yesterday (Tuesday) Jenna brought their three children for a play date. They also had fun with toys they hadn’t seen since Christmas. The photo of Jade, Drake, Harper and Jenna was taken shortly after we finished lunch. Jenna recently told us they are expecting another baby in early July. We are excited to meet great grandchild #20. During lunch, Drake asked me if I knew that God rested on the 7th day of creation. Oh, how I love when young children are learning about the Bible.

Harper quickly posed for me when I picked up the camera to get a shot of her siblings in the next photo.

Jade and Drake wanted to help great grandpa bring in the empty trash containers from the end of the driveway. We said, “Wait until you put your coats on to go home.” After doing that, they were at the end of the driveway and coming back before great grandpa got out the door. 🙂

Going into the garage where we store them.

Harper helped great grandpa maneuver the recyclable box between the cars.

Just before leaving, Jade said she wanted to show me her new camera (a Christmas gift) and took a picture of me taking a picture of her. It has a card reader, so she showed me the picture of myself. Wish they had cameras like that when I was six.