Photos taken on Sunday, February 2 – between 12:35 pm and 12:53 pm (that is 18 minutes).

I liked the visual of this Northern Flicker clinging to the suet feeder.

A squirrel “bird” looking for food.

The feeders were busy because of the changing weather. Birds just seem to know when a weather front is moving into the area. A pair of bluebirds and a starling.

Female finch

Male Northern Flicker. Male because of the black feathers under his eyes.


Another shot of the flicker

Male Eastern Bluebird

Female Eastern Bluebird

Bluebird pair.

Dark-eyed Junco

Male Eastern Bluebird

Dark-eyed Junco

It was a cold, breezy Sunday. You can see proof of that by the wind on the Junco’s feathers and the ice in the birdfeeder.