High Family Meal

Sunday Evening, January 26 at BIC Warehouse near Manheim.

This includes Cerwin’s Pennsylvania siblings and some of their family members. We always miss the out-of-state family (Bob & Doris Stauffer’s children, grandchildren, and great grandchild) at these meals.

We had a fairly small group this year, but that didn’t keep us from enjoying the delicious food and wonderful fellowship.

Gabi, Leana and Jeremy at the beginning of the food line. Don and Gabi order pulled pork for everyone and the rest of us bring a covered dish. We all share in the cost for the room and pulled pork.

Peyton and Pat checking out the dessert. Dorretta and Jakey in the background.

Sorry, I caught Cerwin eating. 🙂 Three of our great granddaughters wanted to sit with us: Natalie, Renee, and Jasmine. Abby and their new baby Garth are on the right. Nathaniel and Anthony in the background.

Eric, Megan, and Dorretta at the front table and Rod and Justin at the back table. It looks like Justin’s and Eric and Megan’s children shared these tables.

The front table: Don, Veda, Mel, Gabi, Leana, and Jeremy. The back table: Jakey, Bailey, Crystal, Peyton, (Elvin and Jeff are hidden, and Pat standing.

There is a large gym on the other side of the doors on the right. I spent some time there playing with Natalie and Jazzy but forgot to take pictures. Most of the children enjoyed that room during the evening.

We treasure our family get-togethers.