January 19
Sunday lunch was quite an experience because of the snowstorm. It was about a week ago that I invited three couples from church to join us for lunch, not knowing there would be a snowstorm.
On Saturday, I called each couple to give them an opportunity to postpone the meal to another time. Kurtis and LuAnn said they better decline because of the distance they would have to drive. By this time, due to the snow, we prepared a list of nearby neighbors, so I called Kraig and Janet. They were pleased to replace Kurtis and LuAnn. Marv and Sue and John and Kathy decided to wait until morning.
On Sunday morning John called to say Kathy was not feeling well, and they did not want to bring sickness into our house. We appreciated that. My next call was to Larry and Karen who live next door on our family homestead. They were pleased to accept a lunch invitation. She is my niece and knows that cooking is not my favorite thing to do, so was a bit surprised by the invitation. 🙂
When feeling motivated, I occasionally prepare meals because I enjoy the fellowship. My inner passion is to invite a variety of couples or families from church, so we get to know each other better.
It was barely snowing by the time church was over, so Marv and Sue decided to take a chance on the weather. They brought their 4-wheel-drive vehicle to make sure they could get home.
We had a delightful time during lunch, which consisted of dinner rolls, stuffed chicken breasts, gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, broccoli salad, relishes, cupcakes, and ice cream.

Our dining area table is right in front of a large bay window – giving us an opportunity to watch the birds and keep an eye on the snow. During our conversation, which covered many subjects, including the birds feeding near the window, someone asked, “What is that big bird?”
Some of us went to the kitchen window for a closer look. We agreed that it looked like a Cooper’s Hawk. No wonder all the little birds were no longer there.

By 3:00 PM the snow became serious, and each couple prepared to leave. Marv and Sue had the longest drive (about 10 miles), so we waited a while, then called to make sure they got home okay. They did. Larry and Karen had less than a quarter mile. You could see their house on the left if it wasn’t snowing. Since we have a great view of their farm and land, Larry said to Karen, “This would be a good retirement place for us. 🙂

Kraig and Janet live across the field (which you can’t see because of the snow). They are about a quarter mile away, as the birds fly and just under a mile by road.

Later in the afternoon the wind picked up and blew snow against our windows, making it difficult to see the outside.
We were glad to stay home for the evening. We didn’t get a lot of snow, maybe 2-3 inches. My heart felt blessed because of the nice afternoon we had with these friends.