Friday, January 17
There are many ordinary days in the life of retired people like us, but not today.
First, I decided it was time to wash the laundry room floor mat, so put it in the washing machine with a few towels and wash cloths. When I opened the washer, the floor mat had come apart with pieces and fuzzy stuff all over the place. What a mess. I guess I washed it one too many time. I dried the towels and wash cloths, then took them outside to shake off the remaining fuzz.
Next, I got a phone call from a TFCGlobal chapel – the ID on the phone. I thought this chapel was inactive, so it was a delight to talk to the volunteer chaplain who serves on Mondays. He was there today to meet the Friday volunteer. He wanted to order something, and our phone number was still on the container – from many, many years ago. It was encouraging to talk with him and get his name to add to my prayer list.
About 10:15 am, a large delivery truck came with the stacking, black chairs we ordered for when we have meal guests in the kitchen. We had been using chairs from our garage, but they are becoming old and battered from all the meals we’ve had in the garage. The chairs were supposed to come late next week, but they arrived in time for Sunday when we are having lunch guests!

We were blessed and amused when we saw the name “Jesus” printed on the large box – probably the packing person.
Just before noon we had an encouraging visit with a friend who is very ill from cancer. She still has her pretty smile.
After many cold windy days, it was nice to have a fairly warm (35 degrees) and nice day to get a few groceries.

We spent some of the afternoon putting the chairs together.
Now we are leaving to spend the evening at a gospel concert.
That has been quite a day for you! day My day today began with the movers coming to organize the move and help with the purging and packing. The owner of the company basically told me “You need help<” so I wasn’t quite sure what they were going to do. We went through the entire downstairs, and much of that is now packed for the move. Then we began on the upstairs, and I have an assignment for another session ne xt week. It adds to the expense a bit, but also will help immensely with the cost of the actual move, which willgo much more smoothly when it happens.!
So is really happening! When do you make your actual move?
The date is not actually set yet — but it will be sometime between now and the middle of February! We will have another day like today next week, and then it will happen after February 3, when the movers can schedule me. I may have a week or two of commenting between homes, but I hope to minimize that! The next step will be selling this house! I’m halfway between excited and terrified!
That happened to me once – I don’t remember what it was that I put in the washer, but what a mess!
Love the chairs!
It could have been a problem that was far worse, but it was messy.