Today, January 9

I knew it was cold and windy before I went to the mailbox to pay a bill. I am still getting co-pay bills from my time in the hospital in early October. At least it was only a small co-pay, but one that needed a check. I was able to pay most of those kinds of bills online. This one only had a mailing address.
The low this morning was 17 degrees. I think it was about 19 when I bundled up to go to the mailbox. The wind almost took my breath away, but it was invigorating and wonderful to breath in the fresh winter air.

Because of the wind, our birds have only one choice of food at the feeders – suet – as birdseed and mealy worms just blow away.
As I took off my coat, I determined that it was a good kind of day to make soup with the rice I cooked yesterday.
Cerwin was still out on his morning drive to pick up Lancaster DHIA milk samples in southern Lancaster County. He does that on Thursday and Friday mornings – early mornings. He leaves here about 4:15 and is home by 9:30 or 10:00 am.
Cooking the rice yesterday, happened after looking through our freezer for things that had been there awhile. I found two partial bags of rice and vegetables – different mixes. I thought that would be a good base for some chicken rice soup.

Now, if you know me, you will understand how I decided on the next few ingredients. I do follow recipes – especially when making soup for other people – but today was a clean-out-the-refrigerator kind of day.
First, I added a 3/4 stick of butter, chopped onions, peppers, carrots, and celery from the kitchen freezer to my Dutch oven. While that sauteed, I checked the cupboard and found a can of creamed chicken soup. The next ingredients were two cups of water and 2 teaspoons of chicken flavored Better Than Bullion.
After that I checked our refrigerator for anything chicken-related that would make the soup extra good. There was a bit of leftover, canned chicken rice soup from our daughter Diane (we had that for lunch yesterday), and a small amount of left-over chicken lasagna (from last night’s supper). I cut the few lasagna noodles into smaller pieces. There was also a small amount of leftover chicken salad that we bought on Saturday. I expected that would work too. It did.
Next, I added seasonings to taste, and just like that, we had a delicious creamy chicken rice soup for lunch. There is enough for another two meals – now in the refrigerator – and 3/4 quart for the freezer.
I love to use leftovers in a soup or casserole. It makes our refrigerator look a bit fresher and more organized.