Friday Evening, December 13
Following the Myers’ Christmas meal, they spent the rest of the evening playing a variety of games. In this photo Natalie is helping Stetson place animals in their correct location on the farm sheet.
Diane had a variety of table games for her family. In this game, each person tried to flip a paper cup. If you flipped it to stop on the base of the cup, you could place the cup on the pink paper.
While they were doing that, Cerwin helped Renee play a puzzle that I made for grandchildren many years ago by stitching on plastic canvas.
Mark, Anthony, and Nathaniel take their turn at flipping cups.
Next there was a memory game. There were matching wrapped candies under the cups.
When I asked Natalie to hold up her matching Reese’s, and asked her to smile, I realized my mistake, because her mouth was already full of chocolate candy. 🙂
She held them lower for the next picture.
The children came up with another game. Pushing each other around in the cart I use in the summertime when weeding flower beds. During the winter, I had farm toys and cars stored in it in back of the garage.
The next family game was moving tiny marshmallows from one paper plate to another – by sucking on the straw.
It took Natalie a while to suck in on the straw instead of blowing on it. 🙂
It was a timed game. The winner was the one who moved the most marshmallows.
One of the last games was putting icing and decorations on your dessert while being blindfolded. Each person had a coach who helped them find the right location on the cupcake.
Anthony trying to find his cup of decorations.
The finished product.
Diane sprinkling decorations on her cupcake.
Abby trying to decorate her cupcake with a bit of help from Jazzy.
Looking at the result.
Jazzy and her mom with their cupcakes.
Mark beginning to put icing on his cupcake (plate). 🙂
Natalie told him how to move his icing pack, but most of it still ended up on the plate.
Someone wanted a picture of the five oldest children.
We soon realized that we were not going to get a perfect pose.
It was an incredibly fun evening.
That looks like a ot of fun games — and maybe the photo was the best of all the games!
We certainly had a lot of fun.