Visitors from Tennessee


Thursday, December 12


What fun to hold our Tennessee great granddaughter, Henley, shortly after her parents (Hezekiah and Kayla, and brother Stetson) arrived at our house. They came to be here for our family’s Christmas celebration and stayed in our basement bedroom.

Diane’s husband, Mark, arrived the day before – flying from Portland, Maine, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He enjoyed special time with their grandson Stetson. He and Diane are staying in our guest room.

Kayla, Henley, Stetson, and Mark. Mark opened a box that was sent with him by their Maine granddaughter, Nzeba. The hand-colored photo was for Grammy Diane.

Nzeba was especially concerned that Pappy would not forget to give Henley this dress – a gift from her and her family. The reason we wanted to make sure there was a picture so Nzeba could see that Mark completed his duty. Diane was just to the right of Mark, taking a cell photo to send to Nzeba.

There will be pictures in my next post that include Diane and Hezekiah. 🙂