Sunday Evening, November 24

Earlier in the afternoon Diane revealed her plan through their daily surprise boxes. It looks like it was Natalie’s turn to open the box. Inside there were peanut butter filled pretzels. That is when she revealed that we were going to Pretzel Hut which is only 6 1/2 miles from our house.

We arrived about 5:15 pm – a perfect time for this evening excursion. Anthony, holding Renee, with Jasmine and Natalie in front of the tree.

There were lots of tables and benches in the seating area. Many people were taking advantage of eating ice cream and soft pretzels and visiting around firepits or under heat lanterns.

Watching the train.

The playground was a favorite place for our children.

We all enjoyed the petting zoo.

Jazzy and the goats

A white peacock or hen.


The turkey seemed elusive. Maybe it knew it was the week of Thanksgiving.

The rabbit pens

A rabbit named Doris made me smile.

Cerwin, Renee, and Diane walking toward the restaurant.

Manger scenes along the path.

Other Christmas decorations near the restaurant.

Many people chose to eat outside. We chose the inside where it was warm.

This was a small sized cone!

The warm soft pretzels were amazing.

By the time we walked to our car at 6:15 pm, it was dark.

We will be back. We knew that new owners had taken over the Pretzel Hut, but didn’t realize what great changes they made.
What a great place to take children on a cold, late fall day when the Christmas decorations and lights are up.
What a fun place! Anthony has really grown –how dd is he now? And that ice cream cone looks almost as big as Jazzy!
He is 10 1/2 years old. We took a lot of the children’s ice cream home by turning the cone upside down in a dish.