Visitors and Thursday Happenings

Thursday, October 3

I tried to stretch my strength by walking to the mailbox to mail a birthday card.

Jana was our first visitor – along with our favorite donuts. Cerwin had creme-filled, mine was glazed and Jana had the chocolate covered one. We had a great time visiting for a few hours and catching up on each other’s lives.

After lunch I was feeling brave enough to do some shopping – to help extend my strength. My choice was Goods in Akron, PA, where I needed birthday and anniversary cards. Cerwin dropped me off at the door. While he parked, I sat on a chair inside the large doors. Then we went right to the card department. After choosing the boxed cards I wanted, I went to the chair again to sit while Cerwin checked out.

Then we got back in the car and drove across the parking lot to Dutchway. I wanted to go there for some prepared soups and meals for the next few days. They are a great local market where they make their own soups, casseroles and meals. I had never been to this particular store (usually go to Schaefferstown) so I did not know the layout. I chose the right side of the store, but the items I wanted were on the left side. 🙂 I was pleased to be able to walk that distance without any problem. Then we chose what we wanted, and I waited on a chair while Cerwin checked out. On the way home I told Cerwin that was an encouraging excursion. I asked God for strength for each stop – and He came through.

Later in the afternoon Theda, my friend and neighbor, brought some homemade potato soup and visited a bit.

As she got up to leave Abby, Jasmine and Natalie came bearing get-well notes.

Jazzy and Natalie are holding their own and Abby is holding Anthony’s. He had a headache and preferred staying on the couch.

The girls played a bit while Abby and I visited. Then Jazzy gave me one of her rings. She loves bling, so collects that kind of thing. I guess I made enough “fuss” about it that she went to their van for another one. Even though I don’t wear rings, I count them as a real love gift.

Later, when Cerwin went to the mailbox for our mail, there was a card from friends from church that included a gift card to a local market.

It was definitely an encouraging day.