Hospital Update. I’m Home!

Monday, September 30

This morning, I was trying to think of something to use for today’s post, so took a picture of the board in my room. As you can see, it says I am independent. That happened yesterday afternoon, and means I no longer needed assistance to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. Plus, I was finished with the constant drip medication. That’s when I began feeling like a “normal” person again. I loved the Nittany Lion paw where they wrote my name and room number. My favorite is the “love note” from our son Jere on the bottom right.

This was my delicious breakfast. Bacon, egg and cheese croissant, apple juice and coffee.

Shortly after breakfast, when the doctors began their rounds, I began hearing discharge. What a beautiful word.

Shortly after lunch I received my discharge papers.

Oh, it is so good to see our patio chairs, big trees and cornfields.

I do have two follow up appointments, one with my primary doctor and another with my pulmonary specialist. The pulmonary specialist is concerned about “something” behind the pneumonia which they can’t distinguish. It could be part of the pneumonia, an infection or a solid mass. For that reason, I am continuing on an oral antibiotic for another 37 days. Then they will check to see if my lung is clear. Pray with me that my lung will be clear.