When our youngest daughter, Deb was here today with her friends Leslie and Bernae, plus Bernae’s service dog Misty, she took a full picture of the room, which I liked for this evening’s post. Cerwin is on the reclining chair next to my bed, just like at home, but at home our seating positions are reversed.
We listened to our church services via phone and online. It was nice hearing them pray for me. I love being part of the family of God.
I am feeling well, just have to be here until they are finished with the meds and antibiotics. There is no discussion of a discharge date. I do know that my potassium and sodium levels are now normal, so I am only taking drip antibiotics for the pneumonia and will continue on antibiotics (oral) for another 4-6 weeks after I leave the hospital, then get another chest x-ray to make sure my lung is clear.
Because I am feeling well, I am “enjoying” my hospital stay. I am getting fabulous care, PennState Health Lancaster Medical Center is a brand-new hospital, I’ve had lots of visitors, phone calls, and messages from children, grandchildren and friends. By today, the front desk receptionist told Deb she loves our family. She also said, “Tell your mom that I am praying for her.”
I am learning the routines around here, like, my soup for supper yesterday was cold, the nurse took it to a microwave and brought it back really hot. The food has been good, and I like my meals being served. Cerwin has been ordering his meals here as well. Maybe I will just stay here.
PS: Tonight’s soup was really hot.
I didn’t know you were sick! I hope you feel better soon!! I will be praying.
Thanks for praying
Mygoodness, they are really taking good care of you! Stay as long as you need to, and do what they tell you — and FEEL BETTER SOON!
So sorry to hear you’re in the hospital — praying for a quick recovery and good health in the days ahead.
Thanks so much.
Praying for you and for Cerwin. Get well soon. God has got this…
Yes, God is in control.