Our Trip Home and a Hospital Visit

Tuesday, September 18 to Saturday, September 28

Our two-day trip home from northern Maine was fairly uneventful. We left the Blueberry Patch Hotel on Tuesday morning, stopped at Dysart’s Restaurant and Truck Stop in Bangor, Maine, for fuel and a bathroom break.

Cerwin still had these two pictures in his cell phone from Dysart’s from our trip north a few days earlier. This is a wall decoration from real truck and an antique truck next to the receptionist.

We had reservations for a motel in Massachusetts to break up the long drive.

On Wednesday, morning I was beginning to feel a bit “off” and by the time we got closer to home – near Bethel – I began to feel really bad. I had been feeling like something was wrong since the beginning of August following a virus/flu. I had a dry cough that persisted, and while trying home remedies like cough medicines and cough drops, I kind of lost my appetite – and lost a few pounds. By the time September arrived, nothing changed and somedays I felt weak and a bit shaky.

Before arriving home, I called the doctor’s office to see if any of the doctors had an evening appointment. I got an appointment and received prescriptions for a UTI and my cough. By this past Wednesday – when the prescriptions were finished – I began feeling sick again, so called the doctor.

She was quite detailed and ordered a large variety of tests. That is when they found that some of my blood work was off and that I have pneumonia. (My blood work had been almost perfect at my check up at the end of July.) That is how I ended up in the ER yesterday, and eventually admitted.

So here I am in PennState Health Lancaster Medical Center, receiving plenty of tests, antibiotics, and great love and care.

Cerwin came this morning (Sept 28) with this beautiful bouquet from our Amish neighbor, Lizzie.

Since I don’t really have any pain or feel bad, I am enjoying the food, rest, and attention from nurses and doctors.