Visiting the Summer Home of Franklin D and Eleanor Roosevelt on Campobello Island


Monday, September 16


This was an interesting stop on the Island.

It is located in Canada, but is part of the US National Park Service.

Mark and Diane entering the information and gift shop. The grounds were well-kept with beautiful flowers.

There are several cottages on the property, but not owned by FDR and Eleanor. They were neighbors and friends of the Roosevelts. The original home of FDR’s parents has been taken down.

This was a cute cottage with a beautiful area for friends who came to visit.

There were several unique trees.

We walked by the Monarch area when going to another cottage.

The caterpillars were quite busy.

This seed pod captured my attention.

Our last stop was FDR and Eleanor’s summer home.

There was so much history here. He was in this master bedroom when he discovered he had polio.

The kitchen. The stove was designed for FDR.

Notice the engraving says “Pesident”.

The laundry. Notice all the irons on the bottom left.

A visiting area.

We stopped here for a delicious lunch.

It was a popular place at noon.

A staff person stopped in to entertain us with a few period songs. I think one was “The Good Old Summertime”. He was well-trained and a talented singer.

After leaving the island, we decided that we didn’t need supper, but maybe dessert. Diane found this unique restaurant in the countryside of Machias, Maine.

There were a variety of buildings for event functions, including a a large barn for weddings and receptions. They were also opening a larger restaurant a few days later.

Everyone but me choose bread pudding and ice cream. That looked like too much food for me so I got a cup of lobster bisque. Oh, it was delicious with large pieces of lobster.

From there we headed to the cost (where the lobstermen lived and worked). We saw lots of deer, but this wasn’t one of them. Diane took this picture the evening before. It was too dark to capture good photos by the time we headed to the coast.

By the time we headed home, the waxing gibbons moon was high and beautiful.

Mark and Diane did a fabulous job of being our tour guides for the day – from watching the sunrise to a variety of stops on Campobello Island, a specialty chocolate shop, and our evening dessert. We may hire them again sometime.