Traveling from Skiff Lake, NB, Canada to Jonesboro, Maine


Sunday, September 15


Most of the TFC staff left on Saturday after the banquet or Sunday morning early because they had flights to catch early Sunday morning. We were the only ones in our cabin.

We went to the main cabin to enjoy coffee and breakfast with the few that were still there. Their planes were leaving later in the day. Dennis Finnamore stays an extra day to check on each cabin and do the laundry (sheets, towels, and washcloths). I also took a last look at Skiff Lake.

Our next stop was Jonesboro, Maine, where we were meeting Mark and Diane. They went on a short vacation to celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary. As we talked about this trip and realized that we wouldn’t be that far from them, they invited us to join their adventures on Monday the 16th.

Consequently, we entered Blueberry Patch Motel & Cabins, Jonesboro, ME into our GPS when leaving Skiff Lake. It took us to the border crossing at Forest City, NB, Canada. We knew we were arriving at a small border crossing as we got closer to the border. There were very few houses. When we got there the border was closed. It is closed on Sundays during the winter. Winter to them is September through May. 🙂

When we got home, I googled Forest City Border Crossing on Forest City Road.

This was its description: This is a very sleepy town with a very low-volume border crossing. It is reported that many days see fewer than 5 cars crossing the border at this location. The road is blocked with locked gates when the border crossing is closed.

Well, it was a beautiful day for driving so we turned around and headed back to the Skiff Lake area – 45 minutes away.

We determined to be the happy kind of people who enjoy the trip on a detour, and thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and saw 6-8 turkeys.

In the process, we entered Canterbury into our GPS, because we knew where that was, plus we didn’t want to take a chance on another unfamiliar border crossing. We knew that Canterbury would take us to the Houlton, ME, border crossing. After arriving at Canterbury, we stopped at a quick stop – the same quick stop we used just before arriving at Skiff Lake a few days earlier. We enjoyed breakfast, before getting back on the road.

We saw some of the prettiest leaves of the trip as we traveled 95 toward the border.

We arrived at the border just before 11 am.

There were only seven cars ahead of us, so it didn’t take very long to get through.

We arrived at the motel in the mid-afternoon, settled in and relaxed until Mark and Diane returned from doing some touristy things – shops and beaches. They were at the same motel but stayed in a cabin. By the time we decided to join them (earlier in the summer) they had only motel rooms that had queen sized beds. Both of us had very similar and nice rooms.

We joined them for supper and heard about the fun things they had done that day (their anniversary), and made plans for the next day, which included being ready to leave the motel at 5am so we could be some of the first people who got a view of the sunrise in the United States. 🙂

It was nice to have internet service again and the ability to use our cell phones.

I will tell you about the sunrise at West Quoddy Lighthouse in my next post.