TFC Canada’s Banquet and Retirement Party for Dennis Finnamore


Saturday Evening, September 14


There were lots of pictures and displays concerning TFC and Dennis

Dennis’ daughter put a nice slide show together to honor their dad.

Dennis and Kevin watching the slide show.

Looking at scrapbooks

The display at the coffee and punch table.

A floor to ceiling display.

A table for those who brought cards and wrote memories for Dennis.

The beautifully set tables.

This is when Dennis was called into the kitchen where his family told him they were paying for the cost of the food, so all the donations from the evening would go to Transport For Christ, Canada.

All five of his children helped serve the food, including grandchildren, and I think there was a great grandchild there.

Kevin welcomed everyone and introduced the slideshow.

listening to the opening songs by Jacques and Paul.

Following this there was a delicious salad (which I photographed when in the kitchen) then the main course.

Incredibly delicious beef, peas, carrots and potatoes.

Several people were appointed to share remarks about TFC or Dennis.

The last people to share about Dennis was his family. These are his three daughters.

The entire family who was at the banquet came to the front. The two sons are on the left surrounded by grandchildren. Kevin closed their segment by announcing to the audience that the family (who prepared the meal) was paying for the meal so all donations would go to TFC.

Vera closed this part evening. She has a great voice and is apparently familiar with those who attend this banquet.

A delicious pumpkin dessert was the next thing on the agenda.

Kevin’s ministry as Executive Director of Canada also includes Oversees and before the evening concluded he showed a short video of the Oversees Ministry.

Dennis thanked everyone for coming, shared a few memories, and told us that he would volunteer in any area where Kevin needed him.

As a closing to the evening, Kevin presented this photo of the Prodigal Son to Dennis in honor of all the prodigals who came home to God during his ministry with TFC. He told Dennis to take a few months of vacation before deciding on the areas in which he would like to be involved.

We were incredibly honored to be invited to this and enjoyed seeing people we hadn’t seen for years.