Skiff Lake – Last Day of Canada’s TFC Staff Conference


Saturday, September 14


We started our day with breakfast in the dining area of the main building.

While everyone was cleaning up the breakfast food and dishes, Dennis and Kevin finalized their morning agenda.

Jacques and Paul worked on music for the morning session and evening banquet.

The morning meeting included a challenging devotional by Paul Cairns, some ministry updates and future information, plus a few more people shared memories of time spent with Dennis Finnamore while he was TFC’s Canadian Director. Someone thought he would like this as a reminder of when he was the boss.

A view of Skiff Lake from one of the main cabin meeting rooms. This building also included 3 or 4 bedrooms.

Since it was a beautiful day, I walked out to the dock.

Skiff Lake covers an area of 2-1/2 miles and is located in southwestern New Brunswick. It was named Skiff Lake by Lord Northcote in the 1800s when he paddled a skiff to one of its islands and claimed it as his.

I was fascinated by the interesting root system of this tree. There were so many roots above the ground that it looked like it could walk away.

The rocks seem to be a familiar thing around Skiff Lake.

I always think, “bloom where you are planted” when I see vegetation growing out of rocks.

You can see the small tree/bush on the second rock from the left.

Time for lunch.

If I understand correctly, Dennis (right) and his daughter Debbie put the meal menu together and he brings the supplies. Some of the ladies oversee the food setup and cleanup. Debbie Leger and Janet McIntosh are on the left, while Geoff chooses his lunch.

This was the last lunch, so it was kind of a leftover meal. Some evening meals were here, while others were at a restaurant. I noticed lasagna and apple crisp, on the table which was probably part of the evening meal before we got there.

While preparing to leave for the afternoon online meeting at Dennis’ church, I noticed these cute statures of what appears to girls playing.

Jacques noticed us waiting for a ride with Dennis and stopped to take a picture. I love this, because it reminds me of how we celebrated our 61st wedding anniversary – which was on this day.

Back to the Sunday school classroom at Dennis’ church where we had internet service for this online session with Kevin’s pastor and friend. He is a chaplain at a resort and had many helpful ideas and stories on how to be a successful chaplain.

He could be serious or funny and was a great communicator.

Following the online session, we stayed at the church where the evening banquet and retirement celebration would be held. More about that in my next post.