A Birthday Supper and Traveling North

Last night, September 10, we enjoyed having Jordan and Nicole at our house for his birthday supper. They each chose a sub and Cerwin and I shared a cheese steak from Graziano’s.

Afterwards Jordan projected his cell phone pictures to our TV. What a fun way to see and hear about their Alaskan Cruise earlier this summer.

This morning, we left early, 5:45 am, for a ten-hour-drive to our daughter and son-in-law in Maine. We have made it to their house in less time, but today got in some slow work traffic this morning and construction a bit later in the day.

Enjoy the changing sunrise as we traveled north in Pennsylvania on I-78

We didn’t drive north to see the changing leaves, but did see a few obvious signs of Fall in Connecticut.

We arrived at Mark and Diane’s house about 4:10 pm. I am always amazed at their beautiful back yard. There are flowers and vegetables – which they care for meticulously.

We are only staying here for a day, so there may be days when I don’t have internet. Stay tuned.