Wednesday, September 4

Dustan was here early to begin painting the new front doors. Corey had finished his garage door trim the day before.

Dustan’s wife, Jenna, (our granddaughter) arrived just before 11 am and began painting trim.

Their children Jade, Drake and Harper joined their 2nd cousins (Nate and Abby’s children) in the garage. Watching them was my job. I was babysitting Anthony, Jasmine, Natalie, and Renee while Abby went to an appointment.

A few of the children were in the kid’s room watching Paw Patrol while these played in the garage.

We enjoyed an ordered in lunch of pizza and boneless chicken wings, which everyone seemed to enjoy. Dessert was a choice of orange popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, or chocolate and nut covered vanilla cones.

Jenna and Abby spent some time discussing their home-schooling programs.

Dustan was ready to install the doors during the early afternoon and appreciated Jenna’s help.

We are delighted with our nice entrance doors. This old one always stuck a bit and needed an extra pull or push when opening it. The new one opens perfectly!

Thanks, Dustan, for a fabulous job on the doors.
That’s a real family effort! It looks like everybody had a good time and the day was productive!
It is so nice having a grandson-in-law who does construction.
young lady, your comments always bring up a lot of memories. GREAT JOB!!!!!