Breakfast with Deb on Her 50th Birthday

Monday Morning, August 27

9:00 am

Eagle Cafe, Quarryville

Roy messaged us a few days earlier, asking if we would be able join them for breakfast on Deb’s birthday.

We live an hour away and they have about 15 minutes to the restaurant. We arrived from opposite directions at exactly the same time. đŸ™‚

Deb wanted a variety of pictures while we waited for our food. With her two mothers – Barb, Deb, and me. The lighting wasn’t great, but at least we have these memories from her 50th.

The guys – Roy and Cerwin

Deb with us.

She was born early in the morning – like 1 am. Back in those days the fathers were usually put in a waiting room until the baby was born, but that was just beginning to change fifty years ago, so he was allowed to be with me during her birth. He loved the experience and after Deb and I were settled, he went to work – delivering propane – and told everyone he met that he had already made an early morning delivery. đŸ™‚

Roy is missing from this picture, because he took the picture.

Roy’s omelet

Cerwin’s pancakes – blueberry walnut

My poached eggs, fruit and English muffin.

Birthday ice cream treat.