Friday Evening, August 2

Before going to the house, we went to Nathaniel’s new, large shop. It makes a great place for bikes and scooters – especially when Aunt Adrielle is there.

Anthony, Renee, Adrielle, with Jazzy pushing.


When arriving at the house we met their new kittens.

Nathaniel had just begun the stir-fry. Later he added chicken and broccoli. It was delicious with rice

The birthday cake was waiting for the party.

Jasmine (Jazzy) with the number five balloon that Aunt Lydia delivered.

Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing out the candles

A picture with her mom – our granddaughter Abby.

Her family: Anthony, Renee, Abby, Nathaniel, Jazzy, and Natalie.

Having fun with ice cream cones and candles.

Her first gift was a pretty dress.

She was pleased with her manicure kit

She needed help from her dad to open her unicorn sitting pillow.

Trying on her new dress.

Jazzy and Natalie listening as Aunt Lydia read to them.
five already?! Love the birthday cake! And she looks so grown up in that pretty dress!
I know, 5 already! It is fun watching children grow from toddlers to young girls or boys.