Monday, July 29
You may remember that I posted these two pictures next to the old garage (build in 1912) at my family’s homestead about a week ago.

During a break from processing corn (yesterday’s post), I took time to take a few more pictures on the homestead.

From this perspective, the garage looks its age (112 years old). I don’t see a car in it very often, but it is available for that, and is used now and them. I like the volunteer flower. It looks like a snapdragon.

Steph has hydrangea planted on the north side of the garage.

When I turn around from this location – toward the east – I see the beautiful homestead where many generations of my family lived.

Construction on the sandstone part began in 1819 and was completed in 1821. The middle section was built in 1903 when my grandpa was a young boy to accommodate a family with 10 children, and the section on the right was added in 1997 by my brother to accommodate two families.

The older generations would be surprised at its beauty today which is now owned by the 6th and 7th generations of those with John R. and Elizabeth Grabill Hershey blood in their veins.
Steph and Karen keep beautiful flower beds.

The old milk house also built in the early 1900s is still standing and made beautiful with flowers and plants all around it. I remember this being used to keep milk cool when I was a girl.

My siblings and I are grateful and feel blessed that Larry and Karen and Travis and Steph treasure their Hershey roots and this homestead.
It’s a beautiful house, and the flowers add to that beauty!
Our niece and her daughter-in-law do a great job of landscaping, which adds to the beauty.
This is a testimony of God’s provision and your family’s hard work and faithfulness.
Thank you!