Woodland Sage and Something to Ponder
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
The sunshine, the temperature, and the view.
Someone in the neighborhood is harvesting corn silage. I happened to be sitting on the patio when this tractor and wagon went by our house. Before long there was another wagon. Our road was busy with these pieces of equipment throughout the afternoon. This will help feed their cattle through the winter. I enjoy this […]
https://www.facebook.com/ian.high.73 We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High
Monday Morning, August 27 9:00 am Eagle Cafe, Quarryville Roy messaged us a few days earlier, asking if we would be able join them for breakfast on Deb’s birthday. We live an hour away and they have about 15 minutes to the restaurant. We arrived from opposite directions at exactly the same time. Deb […]
Sunday, August 25 This is what we brought home from the “Share the Harvest” table following morning worship on Sunday. A small cantaloupe, a bunch of red beets, and two different kinds of onions. I sliced the cantaloupe then cut it into eating sized pieces. I chopped both onions and put them in a Ziploc […]
Facebook We love you! Daddy and Mother
It was about ten days ago when I checked out the soybeans across the road from our house. At that time there were flowers. Today they are showing the beginnings of a bean with their cute fuzzy long formations.
I sat outside yesterday and enjoyed my surroundings while drinking a glass of mint tea – probably the last for the season. After it was processed, I had a gallon and a half of this beautiful golden delight. I put a gallon in the freezer and kept a half gallon in the refrigerator. ~~~ Something […]
Friday Evening, August 23 This year we are giving our children and grandchildren a birthday meal from the menu of a local pizza restaurant, and since Roy and Deb live an hour away, and we have more time than they do, we asked them to choose a pizza place near them. They chose Dolce Vita. […]
My flower app tells me they are New Guinea Impatiens. I enjoy their beauty each time I look out a kitchen window.
One thing I like about crepe myrtle is, that even after full bloom, there are pretty flowers scattered throughout the bush. ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Helicopters are a more common name for samaras (seed pods) of red maple trees. ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
After the tree was gone and the yard and house were repaired, I decided to focus on the flowerbed in front of our house. I was surprised that almost every square foot was covered with sticks, hickory nuts, leaves, and bark A sample of what I was picking up: shards of bark, sticks of varying […]
This is what we picked up at our “Share the Harvest” table after morning worship. It’s always fun to see what is there. There was also garden tea, basil, rosemary, and other herbs, fresh eggs and peppers. A few weeks ago, we got two packs of frozen sausage links from a full ice chest of […]