A Delightful Evening at a Campground


Friday Evening, July 26

Pinch Pond Campground


It was a beautiful evening to visit Cerwin’s brother Elvin, his wife Pat, their son Bryan, grandsons Bryson and CJ and granddaughters Peyton and Bailey. Elvin and Pat’s camper is on the right, Bryan’s on the left. They shared this “buddy spot” for several weekends.

Pinch Pond Campground is only a few miles from our house.

When we got there Bryson was working on his mandolin skills. Pictured: Bryan, Pat, Bryson, and Cerwin.

Bryson is quite good on the mandolin for a ten-year-old (11 in August).

He plays by “ear”, but also takes lessons so he can read music.

CJ (Caleb Joshua) his younger brother would rather do the singing. CJ (age 8) is also learning to play a few instruments. I have seen him with a guitar and a banjo.

Playing and singing Rocky Top.

Cerwin and Elvin. If you look closely, you can see that Elvin’s left knee is still black and blue from a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago.

Partway into the evening Peyton and Bailey went to the campground store to buy ice cream for each of us. Pat treated.

Music, family and the weather made for a perfect evening.