Watching Field Corn Grow

The scenery outside our window changes almost daily as the corn grows.

You may remember this picture from June 4 when the corn in the fields next to our house was planted.

One month later – July 5.

I started this series of pictures to see how long it would take the corn to grow tall enough to cover the road – from the vantage point of our dining area window.

July 11. We can barely see the road.

July 16. The road is covered. It took about six weeks.

July 16. This gives you a better idea of what we are seeing as the corn grows.

July 25. As you can see, our area was blessed with rain, making the corn tall and lush. The stalks in the front of this picture are probably 10 to 11 feet tall – and it is still growing.

July 28 – I just went outside to give you a closeup shot.

I don’t even see any signs of tassels. After that we will soon be seeing ears of corn.

It is certainly tall, straight and healthy looking.