Watching a Doe and Her Fawns


Wednesday, July 24


The other day, shortly after we got home from working at Blessings of Hope, Leola, we noticed a deer and her twins in the field across the road from our house.

They were enjoying the tender soybeans.

At one point the doe went into the corn field while her fawns ate and played along the edge of the two fields.

About 15 minutes later, we noticed them in our yard, but about the time we saw them, a pickup truck went by and frightened them.

Maybe it is no big deal for you to see deer in your yard, or across the road, but it is unusual for us, even though we often see deer in neighboring fields.

Each year, as the deer population grows, we see more of them in our immediate area. Maybe someday they will be regulars on our property – and I can get really good pictures. 🙂

I know, they can be pests and eat our greenery. But they are so much fun to watch.