Month: July 2024
A Delightful Evening at a Campground
~~~ Friday Evening, July 26 Pinch Pond Campground ~~~ It was a beautiful evening to visit Cerwin’s brother Elvin, his wife Pat, their son Bryan, grandsons Bryson and CJ and granddaughters Peyton and Bailey. Elvin and Pat’s camper is on the right, Bryan’s on the left. They shared this “buddy spot” for several weekends. Pinch […]
Watching Field Corn Grow
The scenery outside our window changes almost daily as the corn grows. You may remember this picture from June 4 when the corn in the fields next to our house was planted. One month later – July 5. I started this series of pictures to see how long it would take the corn to grow […]
Flowers and an Old Garage
I see this scene each time we are traveling home from the south. One day it caught my attention and I determined to stop some day and get a few pictures. I did that yesterday. Old records of the farm tell us this garage was built in 1912 when my Great Grandpa Jacob Hershey bought […]
Watching a Doe and Her Fawns
~~~ Wednesday, July 24 ~~~ The other day, shortly after we got home from working at Blessings of Hope, Leola, we noticed a deer and her twins in the field across the road from our house. They were enjoying the tender soybeans. At one point the doe went into the corn field while her fawns […]
TFC Global’s Susquehanna Prayer Breakfast
~~~ Saturday, July 20 ~~~ We have been friends with Don Goss, the contact person for TFC Global’s Susquehanna Prayer Breakfast, so stay in touch by phone on occasion. We also have many friends in the chapter (near Sunbury, PA) from our days of serving with Transport For Christ in the Northeast Region. During our […]
Our Crepe Myrtle Tree Is in Full Bloom
I remember buying this at a truck show auction at The Buck many years ago. At that time, it was planted in a pot small enough for me to carry. I don’t think I will be carrying it anywhere this year. It always blooms in late July and early August, adding a burst of […]
TFC Old Guard Lunch
This time our quarterly lunch was held at Knight and Day Diner, Lititz, PA. Clockwise: Doris, Kathy, Inge, Bunny, Peg, Sam and Dan. It was especially good to have Dan with us this time. He was Transport For Christ President for several years and a good friend to each of us.
Phedimus, Nettle, and Something to Ponder
This Aizoon Stonecrop Phedimus (yellow) and Spotted Dead Nettle (purple) have been faithful and pretty ground covers in our patio flowerbed for many years. ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Host Family
~~~ Sunday, July 14 noon ~~~ Retirement offers time for things we haven’t done in years – if ever. Like, sign up at church to be the host family after Sunday morning worship. We tried something new – bought two 9 x 12 area rugs for the garage so it was easier for us to […]
Northern Flicker and Something to Ponder
Notice his tongue. The black line next to his beak is the identifying mark that tells me it is a male. It is not unusual to see a flicker at our feeders, but we may only see them about once a week. ~~~ Something to Ponder ~~~
Rain, Precious Rain
I took these pictures on July 9 during a nice rain, then when we thought it was getting a bit dry for yards and crops, we received a wonderful 2″ rain yesterday. I can almost hear the yards, corn, soybeans, and other crops drinking it in. Rain, precious rain.
Highlights from Bible School 2024
Bible School at White Oak Church was held from Monday evening, July 8 through Friday evening, July 12. These photos are from Thursday evening, July 11. This year’s theme was “The Great Jungle Journey”, an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation. The pulpit area included a water fall and a few other jungle items. It […]