Manheim Central Class Reunion – 1961


Saturday, June 22

Gathering Place, Mount Joy, PA


I was pleased to hear that Dolly and Yonnie were planning a 63rd class reunion, when I met Dolly at a local grocery store last winter.

It’s always fun to catch up with former classmates.

Many times, it was helpful that we each wore a name badge with our graduation photo and name. Most of us are either 80, 81, or 82.

I think I was the youngest classmate there, because I started school one year early. In those days a student had to be six by January 31. In the one room school which I attended; the school leadership wanted one extra student for first grade. Since I was the next one in line – my birthday is February 8 – they asked my parents if they were willing to send me a year early.

I think I remember Dolly saying there were 41 classmates in attendance – meaning there were 80+ people in the room. There are two or three married couples who were classmates. I think each of those was dating when we graduated. There are also some widows and widowers.

When I took this photo, they were looking over “The Streets of Manheim” quiz.

This is the test – along with the answers. Our table missed 3 answers (2, 9, 24). To know a few of these answers, you have to know the history of Manheim.

  1. A deep hole – Pitt
  2. A kind of nut – Hazel
  3. Pennsylvania state flower – Laurel
  4. Prussian Street in the old days – Main
  5. Invented the steamboat – Fulton
  6. A delicious chocolate – Hershey
  7. A tree that drops acorns – Oak
  8. A fruit garden – Orchard
  9. Someone who wanders – Rambler
  10. A slice of moon – Crescent
  11. Founder of Manheim – Stiegel
  12. A wild animal resembling a dog – Wolf
  13. A pliable substance – Clay
  14. First proprietor of Pennsylvania – Penn
  15. A Civil War general – Grant
  16. She had a web – Charlotte
  17. Name of a bull – Ferdinand
  18. Place where lumber is cut – Mill
  19. Location of the high school – Adelle
  20. A valentine symbol – Hart
  21. A church flower – Red Rose
  22. Brings winter fuel – Coleman
  23. Where boys earn badges – Scout
  24. A small fruit – Cherry
  25. Where trains run – Railroad

Tom gave opening remarks and prayed for the meal.

The Gathering Place prepared a delicious meal. Our dessert was a choice of a brownie or apple crisp – both served with ice cream.

We enjoyed visiting with those at our table. Ken (next to Cerwin), his wife, Dave and Lois. Ken and Lois were my classmates. It was probably the first time I visited with Ken since high school. It was interesting to meet his wife and hear about their life and family.

Lois was probably my first childhood friend. The farm where her dad worked was next to ours and we started school together in the one room schoolhouse next to my parent’s property. We also went to church together and remained friends through high school.

I have seen her only a few times since graduation as she and Dave moved to another state when they married. They now live in his home state of Tennessee. She was one of three classmates who came to the reunion from out of state. We have kept in touch through the years by Christmas cards and letters.

It was kind of sobering to go to the table where there were pictures or name badges of those who died. If I remember correctly, we have 43 classmates who are deceased.

Of the 130 classmates, 41 were in attendance, 43 are deceased, and 46 could not attend.