Birthday Meal for Dustan


Wednesday, June 12


Shortly after finishing our meal of pizza, stromboli, chicken wings, and cheesesteaks – from Two Cousins – we sang Happy Birthday to Dustan who would celebrate his 30th birthday the next day.

You will notice that Diane was also here. She arrived from Maine just a short time before the meal. She will be here for a week and a half to attend two family picnics.

Drake was waiting for the song to be over so he could blow out his daddy’s candle.

Dustan lit the candle again so Jade could get a turn at blowing out a candle. I think he lit it a few more times for them. 🙂

I almost missed getting a picture of Harper who is sitting on her mom’s lap.

Afterwards we went outside to visit and play games with the children. It was a delightful evening. It would have been a good time to get some pictures, but we were having so much fun that I didn’t even think of pictures.