Saturday, June 8

We are just back at the house after seeing the movie Sight at Penn Cinema in Lititz. We had Theatre 9 to ourselves. It should have been filled.

After watching this movie, it feels like my life has been very shallow.

From the Internet: Sight is a 2024 American biographical drama about Ming Wang, a Chinese immigrant to the United States who became a renowned eye surgeon. It is based on Wang’s 2016 autobiography From Darkness to Sight.

The movie went back and forth between his life as an eye surgeon and his childhood and teen years in China. When in China, the language was Chinese the reason for the closed captions on the screen.
Ming Wang was a Chinese prodigy who fled Communist China to become a pioneering eye surgeon in America.

With his dad (actors in the movie).
Four quotes from the movie that stood out to me:
Life is not always a straight line.
The present is made possible by the past.
There is more to life than what you see.

His book information from the Internet:
From Darkness to Sight chronicles the remarkable life journey of Dr. Ming Wang, a world-renowned laser eye surgeon and philanthropist.
As a teenager, Ming fought valiantly to escape one of history’s darkest eras – China’s Cultural Revolution – during which millions of innocent youth were deported to remote areas to face a life sentence of poverty and hard labor.
Through his own tenacity and his parents’ tireless efforts to provide a chance of freedom for their son, Ming eventually made his way to America with $50 in his pocket and an American dream in his heart, where against all odds he would earn a PhD in laser physics and graduate magna cum laude with the highest honors from Harvard Medical School and MIT.
He embraced his Christian faith and tackled one of the most important questions of our time – Are faith and science friends or foes? – which led to his invention of a breakthrough biotechnology to restore sight.
To date, Dr. Wang has performed over 55,000 eye procedures and has treated patients from nearly every state in the U.S. and from over 55 countries worldwide. He is considered the “doctor’s doctor,” as he has operated on over 4,000 physicians.
Dr. Wang has published 8 textbooks including a paper in the world-renowned journal Nature, holds several U.S. patents and performed the world’s first laser artificial cornea implantation.
Dr. Wang established a non-profit foundation which provides sight restoration surgeries for indigent patients who otherwise would never have the opportunity to receive them – free-of-charge.
This is a story of one man’s inspirational journey, of turning fear, poverty, persecution and prejudice into healing and love for others. It demonstrates how focus, determination, humility, and profound faith can inspire a life that, in turn, impacts that of countless others.