Saturday, May 25
Featuring Old Barns

One of my favorite things to find on a backroad drive is old – sometimes very old – barns. I hit the jackpot on this drive with Marlin and Nancy into the deep countryside of Fulton County.

If old barns could talk, I would love to sit down with a pen and notebook and record their stories.

I would ask, “When were you built? What was the purpose for your construction? What was stored inside? Who was your first owner? How many people owned you? Tell me about the families who lived in the nearby house. I heard a fairly reliable story that the two previous barns before you were destroyed by fire. Is that true?

It looks like the last thing stored in this barn was hay.

I do wonder why there doesn’t seem to have been anyone maintaining or caring for it for a very long time.

A side view of the same barn – the largest building on the property.

There seemed to be little value left in this old barn, but I expect it was once a stately, strong building.
Nancy joined me as we walked toward several smaller buildings on the property. She stayed behind me in case I stirred up a snake or small animal. Hoping that she had more time to run than I did.

I tried to look inside and determine how this building was used. At first, I thought it might have been an outhouse, but when I looked inside there was the smell of oil, like it might have been a place where things were stored for machinery maintenance.

Not sure about this one. Maybe gardening tools as it appears that a garden is growing on its roof.

This one is way beyond repair and the remains gave no clues of its purpose.

This may have been a place where poultry, like ducks and chickens, were kept.

This barn was obviously used for large animals as there were three different fenced in areas – maybe for a horse, a cow and a pig or two.

I also found this old rake and had trouble deciding if it was a combination of two deteriorating pieces of equipment or something used entirely for harvesting hay and grains.

I was delighted to have time to walk around this property while the men looked at the surrounding fields and forests.

This was a gathering of several buildings on another property.
This kind of day just pleases my spirit and soul.
I would love to have explored these old barns with you! Was there a house on this property as well?
Yes, there was a house, but it was in better shape.
Although it looked like it had not been lived in for many years.