3rd Birthday Party for Natalie


Tuesday, May 21

6 pm


The birthday girl

She had a special decoration at her chair.

There was also a special butterfly balloon – from Aunt Lydia.

Several beautiful peonies, from their yard, were the center of attraction on the two large tables.

While waiting for Nathaniel to finish grilling hamburgers, Anthony showed me his new terrarium. He asked me to look closely at the ingredients. I couldn’t find what he wanted me to find. He said, “Look closely at the top of the branch.”

There were three “long-worm-sized” snakes. Each a harmless garden snake.

I asked Abby how she is doing with being a boy-mom. She smiled and said, “It is a challenge at times. I never thought I would have snakes in our house.” Anthony is dutifully studying how to take care of snakes.

Following a delicious hamburger meal, it was time for the birthday party.

I love the expression on Natalie’s face. Third birthday parties are so much fun.

Time for presents.


Abby told us a few weeks ago that they are expecting their fifth child toward the end of November. I did not want to tell anyone until she announced it publicly. She did that yesterday on Facebook by saying we have a “new bun” in the oven. 🙂

This is the cute picture she used. We are excited for them. This will be great grandchild #19 for us.